I love public transportation in Tokyo. There’s plenty of them and you have so many different options to choose from. I just love public transportation! Of course, one downside to all this public transportation is that everyone else uses it too. When that happens, the trains get incredibly crowded and quite uncomfortable especially if it’s a highly used line during rush hour. In fact, some of you might know or have seen this image that someone took to describe how crowded trains can get. Crazy, right? To be honest, I’ve only encountered really crowded trains a handful of times in the four years we’ve livedRead More →

Wow, I reached 200 posts on hamster-central with this post! Technically, I’m at 471 posts overall if you count all the posts I’ve made in my previous blog too.  Still, that’s far more than I ever thought I’d write when I first decided to jump onto the bloggy bandwagon back in 2003 🙂 So to commemorate this day, I will share with you some Q&A’s. I was recently tagged by Paige over at Life is a Phoenix.  I love it when people ask me questions because it makes me think which in turn makes me want to write 🙂 So here goes! *WARNING:  Lots ofRead More →

Jason and E have a strange relationship.  It’s a strange one because I think they are always jealous of each other when it comes to monopolizing my free time. E definitely doesn’t like it when Jason gets too close to me.  She has this method of wedging herself between us and try to push him away. I’m pretty sure that Jason misses those days when he didn’t have to compete for my attention. Still there are times when they can coexist together….often times it involves me not present in the room with them.   It’s during these peaceful moments that Jason likes to admire just howRead More →

I’ve discovered a new meme to play around with from 2 of my favorite blogs.  It’s called Alphabe-Thursday, held over at …off on my tangent… by Jenny Matlock. As if my Thursdays aren’t full enough, I decided that I want to partake on the fun over on that blog too. This week, we are working on all things Rainbow Red. So here’s my red for the week…Can you guess what it is? (hint:  It’s a home decor…well at least in my home) Back side Just follow the little red buttons 🙂 Ok, this is an incredibly big hint 🙂 Ta Da! It’s E’s growth chart!Read More →

Amber from Life, Love, Green sent me a surprise package.  I love surprises….especially when it involves candy 🙂 mmmm, Sweetarts….I haven’t had one in ages.  In fact, I’ve already gone through more than half of what she sent me! She also sent me a few other things, including a doggie plush for E to play with 🙂  I forgot to take pictures of those since I was only thinking about the candy 🙂 Thanks, Amber!Read More →

Look what came in the mail today! My sketchbook for the Sketchbook Project 2011 has arrived!  (see this post) The theme is the one above the barcode. Rules and guidelines My library card The other side of library card. Could’ve started messing around with it today. Instead, I chose to spend the day hanging out and playing with E to make up for my absence on Sunday. It was totally worth it 🙂Read More →

Ah, I am now officially on summer break!  Took my only final today and turned in the paper that I spent pretty much the entire weekend working on. My brain is fried. No, it hurts because I spent the last 48 hours thinking, analyzing and pretty much absorbed in writing a paper on Oedipus.  I am sooo over him now.  My own fault, really, since I procrastinated on writing the paper.  But hey, I wrote a 16 page paper when the minimum requirement was only 4 pages!  Talk about being an overachiever! More importantly I’m done for now!  But first I’m going to rest upRead More →