Morning routine Jason works from home in the morning while E and I watch kiddie shows in the morning. What E ate (for breakfast) Cheerios was the only thing she can eat without pain. The Facepalm Moment I had a moment of panic this morning when I couldn’t find my usb stick with all my class data on it. I was sure I brought it home with me but I still searched for it in panic. I couldn’t remember if E took it to play with it. Later, I found it hidden under my portable hard drive in plain view. *facepalm* Thoughts for Today TodayRead More →

So far, this week has been a rough week for E. Why? Because E has a pretty bad canker sore on the tip of her tongue (on the right edge). It’s been hurting her so much that she finds it too painful to eat, drink and even sleep. Oh and she’s been drooling a lot too. Poor E. Hopefully, in another day or two it will hurt less. Otherwise, she’ll be eating only Cheerios everyday and I’m pretty sure that’s not a good diet. If only she’d try yogurt or popsicles, then I wouldn’t feel so worried about her food intake. Why doesn’t Cheerios hurt,Read More →

Today… – E is still in pain from the canker sore in her mouth.  It’s been hard interacting with her since she cries at a drop of a hat and refuses to eat anything other than Cheerios (which Jason showed her how to eat without any pain).  The pain is keeping her from wanting to eat or drink anything which worries me.  Hopefully, she will be better in another day or two. – I went with Jason to drop E off today since I had forgotten he didn’t work from home on doctor days anymore.  It all worked out in the end since I hadRead More →

This semester is going to be an interesting one. Probably going to be a stressful one too since it’s been a while since I’ve made “art.” For a few weeks now, I’ve been planning on taking a beginning painting class. In fact, I was all signed up and ready to go. I mean, how hard can it be to take a painting class, right? Then, I started thinking about whether or not it was a good decision to take the class. I have been debating between this class and a senior level class called “Art Seminar” all summer long. Both are classes I need toRead More →

Today’s the last day of summer break. Time flies by really fast when your having fun, right? To bid this summer break a fond farewell, let’s revisit that summer to-do list once more, ok? 1. Go swimming with E every Saturday morning. Check.  There were a few Saturdays that we missed class but there was always a valid excuse 🙂 2. Finish my summer classes without stressing out (too much). Check.  And I aced all my classes too 🙂 3. Hang out with Jason more (with and without E).  Check.  We only spent two E-free days but that was more than we’ve had in aRead More →

I’m going to geek out tonight for this weeks Alphabe-Thursday: Blue.  It’s something I promised Jason that I would write a post about and so I’m following up on that promise 🙂  So if you get lost, confused or bored of reading this post, I won’t hold any grudges.  So don’t feel bad for skimming or skipping. Blue is the color of Maat’s cap. You’re probably wondering who Maat is.  Well, he’s this character in an online game that Jason plays (it’s Final Fantasy XI). This is Maat. Maat is an old man who is well trained in all the different job classes in thisRead More →

I’m not sure what I want to write about today.  Well, technically, I have ideas in my head but all I can think about right now is the scary tv program we were watching right before we put E to bed. Yes, we were watching a Japanese show about “true” ghost stories (all re-enactments of course) right before E’s bedtime.  Not exactly the brightest decision ever made but not much else was on that looked interesting.   Of course, the acting was also really bad and the stories were silly and quite unreal but its still messing with my mind. I just hope it didn’t scareRead More →