Can you believe that the first month of 2015 is coming to an end already? This will feel like such a boring post for most people to read but I just want to document what our life is like right now. It may seem boring and uneventful now but years down the road when our memories are beginning to fail us, I’d like to look back and read posts like these and remember what our lives were like… This month has been a busy month as we returned from the US and had to reacclimate to life in Tokyo again. We were gone for almostRead More →

embrace [em-breys] verb (used with object), embraced, embracing. take or clasp in the arms; press to the bosom; hug. take or receive gladly or eagerly; accept willingly avail oneself of: to embrace an opportunity. take in with the eye or the mind. This year, I had contemplated on skipping resolutions, goals and the whole one-little-word thing. It’s been a hard few months on me with everything that had gone on with my grandmother and her death. To be honest, I was feeling a mixture of sadness, guilt and regret for not being there for her when she most needed her familyRead More →

This year has been quite the roller coaster year. I definitely didn’t see the year coming to an end on the down side though. Here’s a quick recap of how our year went… January started off with a lot of festivities with friends from E’s school. We enjoyed a Japanese New Years dinner followed by a Epiphany celebration a few days later. Then we had snow. Lots and lots of it. Oh, and K starts walking! In February, we celebrated Chinese New Years with friends. We also celebrated K’s 1st birthday and squeezed in a trip to Tokyo Disney before E turned 5 in earlyRead More →

We finally have internet up and running and I’ve managed to find a spot for my computer. We still have a majority of things in boxes in our apartment but I’m slowly working my way through them. I definitely have a lot of things that need a new home or at least need to go to recycling or the garbage. I’m enjoying all the extra room we have at the new place even though it’s already littered with toys everywhere. We just need some new furniture so I can put more stuff away since the new place doesn’t have nearly as much storage space asRead More →

Tonight is our last night in our current apartment. We spent the day cleaning and throwing stuff out while the movers packed everything we owned into cardboard boxes. Tomorrow morning, they will finish up with the packing and move everything to the new apartment. It’s been a very tiring day because we have so much stuff to pack and clean. There’s mostly furniture and a few boxes of stuff left now. The movers have loaded up the majority of our boxes into the moving truck. It’s really weird seeing how bare our apartment is. The last time it was this empty was when we firstRead More →

…trying not to go crazy from all the non-packing going on. We hired movers to help us pack everything and they’re coming the day before the move to do all that. …trying to throw away things we don’t need so that we don’t have to bring it with us to the new apartment. …enjoying the last “normal” day in our apartment. Movers are coming tomorrow afternoon to pack everything up. …appreciating how much light we get from our window in the living room. I’ve always thought that we didn’t get enough light but lately, I’ve been enjoying how much indirect sunlight we get all day.Read More →

I feel like I’m constantly falling behind these days. A part of me feels like having an iPhone is the reason why I’m not blogging as much. It’s a really strange logic but I think the convenience of having something that would record everything for me makes me even less eager to sit down and blog about things. I have snapshots, voice memos, and facebook status that help me keep track of all the little things in life and having to sit down and digest through everything again so that I can make a post feels like a little unnecessary sometimes. But I think notRead More →

You’ll have to excuse my lack of enthusiasm in this post. My body aches from being sick, I think, and it distracts me from my thoughts. Currently, enjoying watching K explore her world now that she can walk. watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. E is really into this series and I find myself watching it too since it brings back memories of when I use to watch it as a kid. reading nothing at the moment. listening Pentatonix because they’re covers of pop songs are amazing. making birthday cakes because there’s only 2 weeks between the girls birthdays. feeling crummy at the moment.Read More →