“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.” There’s no such thing as too many snuggle photos especially since the four of us sleep in the same room with our mattresses right next to each other on the ground. Interesting how E is more of a daddy’s girl while K is more mommy’s these days. I really enjoy and appreciate moments like these especially with the kids growing up way too fast.Read More →

This year has been quite the roller coaster year. I definitely didn’t see the year coming to an end on the down side though. Here’s a quick recap of how our year went… January started off with a lot of festivities with friends from E’s school. We enjoyed a Japanese New Years dinner followed by a Epiphany celebration a few days later. Then we had snow. Lots and lots of it. Oh, and K starts walking! In February, we celebrated Chinese New Years with friends. We also celebrated K’s 1st birthday and squeezed in a trip to Tokyo Disney before E turned 5 in earlyRead More →

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. December isn’t exactly shaping up to be the festive month that we had planned. Between the death of my grandmother, our early return to California, funeral arrangements, and many various family activities, I’m just trying to keep it all together enough to make it through the holidays. For now, I wish all our friends and families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope many of you have a safe holiday season with those you love.Read More →

watching Disney Junior with the kids. reading romance novels just to keep my mind busy. listening the new Taylor Swift album. making photo books with photos from this past year. feeling tired from all the planning and cooking we did for Thanksgiving. planning out our schedule for everything before we fly out to California this winter break. loving the fall colored leaves in Tokyo. becoming a bit anxious about how my grandmother is doing. She’s not doing well at all. eating lots of leftover from our 2 Thanksgiving dinners. wearing lots of layers. It’s getting chilly. collecting kit kats. working on making it through thisRead More →

October has been a weird month. Going home and taking care of family stuff was hard. I’ve been able to talk to people about my trip home but on a more superficial level. I try not to think too much about it because it’s hard on me especially since I’m so far away from my family when I’m in Tokyo. Plus, the most common question I get asked by everyone who knew that I left Tokyo abruptly is “Is everything okay?” and I don’t know how to answer that question because I don’t know if everything is or will be okay. It’s also been aRead More →

September was suppose to be a good month with E going back to school and our usual family rhythm returns to normal after a very long summer. I had posts started about some of our summer activities and various other things. Then life happened. And not the good kind of stuff. I will be away for a little bit while I take care of a family emergency back in the US. And it’s not going to be a good trip. September has turned into quite the crappy month.Read More →

enjoying a much deserved coffee break (even at 10pm). watching a really weird tv show with Jason about a real live unsolved crime in Japan. listening to my kids fighting when they should be going to bed. making a blog post! feeling very tired after a very long summer with the kids home from school. planning on all the projects I can work on now that the school year starts from tomorrow on. loving the day we had today when we invited a few of our good friends over for a playdate/lunch. It’s always a lot of fun to be with people who are easyRead More →

We finally have internet up and running and I’ve managed to find a spot for my computer. We still have a majority of things in boxes in our apartment but I’m slowly working my way through them. I definitely have a lot of things that need a new home or at least need to go to recycling or the garbage. I’m enjoying all the extra room we have at the new place even though it’s already littered with toys everywhere. We just need some new furniture so I can put more stuff away since the new place doesn’t have nearly as much storage space asRead More →